Experienced Educators
Every teacher at Luther School is experienced and highly qualified. Their classrooms provide a safe and supportive atmosphere for learning, problem solving and study.
Classroom size is small, allowing for individualized education and one-on-one instruction for students. Average class size is 8-10 students per room. Our School Board and Superintendent are very active in our program and get to know our students. |
Technology & TestingOur school provides desktop workstations, computer tablets, educational software and online learning access for our students.
Montana Smarter Balanced and MAPS computerized testing allows students to measure their progress. Luther School students achieve top academic scores each year. STEM Program |
Science, Arts & SpanishLuther School students love to explore science. Each student participates yearly in the Billings Clinic Science Expo. They also take part in art, music and Spanish lessons during weekly classes.
Field trips provide kids with useful knowledge about Earth sciences, plant/animal life, art technique, music/theater performance and the world around them. Students also write and publish a newsletter several times a year. |
At Luther School, we get outside and enjoy Montana. Our
kids are busy outdoors . . . skiing, hiking, learning to fly fish and exploring Yellowstone Park. Our playground is surrounded by mountains, open space and fresh air. |
We believe that when kids eat well, they do better in class. Each day a morning snack and home cooked lunch is prepared from fresh ingredients. Our students harvest food grown at local farms for our kitchen and enjoy cooking ethnic meals during the year. They also work together in our school garden.